
Explore The Museum

FEATURED – “Rockin’ the Boat”


  • SAVE THE DATE Rum Runner 2013
  • Navigation Through The Ages
  • Check It Out!!
  • Model Anchor Society
  • National Safe Boating Week
  • Summer Camps
  • Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteerism at the Museum is task oriented; we don’t spend much time on meetings except when needed. We do host a lovely cocktail party in the Spring of each year to thank our wonderful volunteers!

Volunteer Opportunities (click here)

The Museum has several areas that people love to help with:

1. Boat Building and Boat Restoration

Working with colleagues, seasoned and new to boat construction, our volunteers, dismantle and rebuild boats, repairing structure, sanding and repainting and simply recreating the beauty in our wooden boat collection. 
There is great camaraderie and teamwork as boat care goals are accomplished. Affectionately called, The Old Man’s Boat Club, any age or gender volunteer is welcome to come and help.

2. Educational Docents and Tour Guides 

Working with the Museum staff, these corps of volunteers are carefully trained to give tours for the museum’s exhibitions to visiting children and guests. 
Docents are either stationed in the galleries during busy periods to answer questions or are asked to guide school groups through the galleries. 
Education Docents can also help in the Museum library or can help provide valuable research for objects on view or in the collection.

3. Museum Friends

This is an auxiliary of the museum that provides support for projects and programs: hospitality, mail-outs, and many other important (and fun!) activities. They meet quarterly and serve to complete tasks as the Museum calendar needs!

4. Exhibition Committee 

Another fabulous opportunity for the retired carpenters and craftsmen in our membership; all of our boat models must be in protective vitrines and cases; our exhibition committee works hard to provide gallery needs and to maximize our limited resources. 

5. Library

Working with the museum staff, these volunteers are part of a very important part of the museum. Our library needs people to keep the library running smooth. They do everything from cataloging the books to checking them in and out. Please stop by or call the office if you think you can help!

For more information or to volunteer call the Museum at 772-692-1234.

Our Thanks to The Pine School!

Below is the photo of the Pine School seventh graders who made origami boats for the Museum Christmas tree. Prior to their volunteer work, they were given a tour of the galleries by Museum volunteer, Charlie Wood (far right).


The Maritime and Classic Boat Museum was established in 1993 as a non-profit community organization and opened its doors to the public in 1995. It is devoted to the collection, preservation, restoration and interpretation of the maritime and boating history on the Treasure Coast.

Contact Information

1707 NE Indian River Drive
Jensen Beach, Florida 34957

PO Box 275
Jensen Beach, FL 34958

Phone: 772-692-1234
Fax: 772-463-3204
Email: [email protected]

Social Bookmarks

